Do you want to get one of 5 x 2 months subscriptions we are giving away?
Simply visit our official Facebook fan page and become a fan to participate.
If you want to be one of the winners, you have to be the first one to comment the contest post at the indicated hours. You have 5 opportunities to win: at 18:00, 19:00, 20:00, 21:00 and 22:00, i.e., you must try to be the first to leave a comment each hour.
One advice, first of all take a look at Interparking Hispania's car parks and choise the one you want to get a free subscription in. The comment in the contest post must be: "I want a subscription at Interparking + car park's name".
There is no ruffle nor traps, the first comment of each hour will be instantly the winner!
Thus remember, visit our Facebook fan page on Tuesday, 12 April from 6:00 pm and if you have an elephant's memory, turn on an alarm and do not miss a free subscription!
See Terms and Conditions Contest clicking this link: Terms and Conditions Interparking's Facebook Contest April 2016