Mercado Centro San Fernando (San Fernando)

Main entrance address:

c/ Hermanos Laulhé, s/n, 11100 San Fernando

Alternative entrances:

Hermanos Laulhéenter street San Fernando
enter street San Fernando
gpsAddress San Fernando
Hermanos Laulhéenter street San Fernando
Hermanos Laulhéenter street San Fernando

Total places243
Places for disabled4
Places for motorcycles17
Electric charging points8
Maximal height2.1 m

Practical information

Located under the Mercado Central of San Fernando, next to the City Hall and Plaza del Rey in the heart of San Fernando. It is rounded by the best restaurant area of the city. It is just a few metres far away from the Real Teatro de Las Cortes and the main hotel are. Its location is ideal to walk around the city centre and visit its monuments.

P-app available for Android:   and iOS: 


Normal tariff

1 hour€ 2,15
2 hours€ 4,30
3 hours€ 6,45
1 day€ 10,95


5 hours€ 5,95
12 hours€ 6,95
1 day€ 7,95

10% discount in short stays with P-App.

Charging Tariff

0,40 €/kWh

0,36 €/kWh P-app users

Calculate your route description

Contact us for this parking facility

Phone: 956594944